October 2023 Update

October 3, 2023 — In an apt metaphor for the month, JFK Airport in New York saw 8 inches of rain last Friday, a record rainfall dating back to 1948, when tracking of such matters started. Indeed, in September, markets were bombarded by a deluge of bad news: inflation fears (despite lower inflation numbers), hawkish […]

September 2023 Update

Photo by Spencer Everett on Unsplash

September 4, 2023 — As the summer winds down and kids get ready to go back to school (and as the U.S. men and women are having great collective runs at the U.S. Open), we at QuantStreet are busy at work refining our analytics and positioning our clients’ portfolios for the month ahead.  August was […]

August Updates and Analysis from QuantStreet

August 3, 2023 — We’ve had many conversations with people asking us about tax strategies. In response, we’ve done a deep-dive into the topic on two fronts. First, we met with Schwab Asset Management to learn about their tax-mitigation strategies and were pleased to learn that Schwab offers our clients a range of tax-loss harvesting […]

July 2023 Update

July 6, 2023 — June was a strong month for QuantStreet, continuing our outperformance relative to a number of asset allocation benchmarks since launch.[1] In June, we were overweight US and technology stocks, with an allocation to international, non-US-dollar high quality bonds. We largely maintain this allocation for July, as we discuss further below. New […]

June 2023 Portfolio Update

June 3, 2023 — May was a good month for QuantStreet, continuing our outperformance relative to a number of asset allocation benchmarks since launch.1 We wrote in our last investor letter that because of “revolutionary changes that AI will bring to the economy . . . tech stocks — not credit sensitive, no real estate exposure, […]

May 2023 Portfolio Update

May 4, 2023 — This month, we are changing how we share our research with readers and clients. We will try to keep the present piece short and simply provide updates and rationales for our portfolio decisions. Our more in-depth research will be featured on our Substack site. We wrote two such pieces in April: […]

April 2023 Market Insights

April 6, 2023 — March 2023 represented a drastic change in the narrative that had prevailed in markets for most of 2022 and early-2023. The precipitating event was the failure of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) when it was seized by the regulators on Friday, March 10, 2023. The SVB event led to a large sell-off […]

A Fundamental Regime Shift Is Underway

March 26, 2023 — The failure of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) is having profound knock-on effects throughout global financial markets. First, I should admit my surprise at the wide-ranging impacts of SVB’s failure. That banks owned longer-dated Treasuries and that these fell in price as rates rose in 2022 was well known to market participants. […]

Silicon Valley Bank

March 12, 2023 — Late last week, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), the 16th largest bank in the U.S., was seized by regulators after it could not accommodate a flood of client withdrawal requests. There is now much hyperbole about what happened and lots of fear mongering on social media about what comes next. Some people are, […]