Please see below for answers to common questions. If you have additional questions or would like to contact us, please email hello@quantstreetcapital.com or call 212-537-3877.


You can retain QuantStreet for personalized financial planning and custom portfolio management, or you can just choose to invest in one of QuantStreet’s existing strategies. We also offer external portfolio management and subadvising services to investment advisers and asset managers. See more on the Services and Fees page.

We welcome individuals, family offices, and institutional investors to work with us. QuantStreet can accommodate a range of account sizes. We do not have an account minimum.

Please fill out this form and we will be in touch to complete the onboarding process. Questions? Please email hello@quantstreetcapital.com, call 212-537-3877.

Please fill out this form. Once received, we will be in touch to discuss options. Questions? Please email hello@quantstreetcapital.com, call 212-537-3877.

Yes. At QuantStreet, we pride ourselves on being completely independent. We aren’t affiliated with any larger financial institution, insurance company, or other organization that incentivizes us to prioritize their products, so we never have a special interest in buying or recommending particular investments. To see details about how we make investing decisions, please visit Process and Strategy


Please visit our Services and Fees page to see what we charge for our various services.

QuantStreet is only compensated by the fees that clients pay us. We don’t receive additional compensation from any third party to recommend particular investment products. We pride ourselves on being completely independent.

Yes. The ETFs in our portfolio charge a (typically modest) fee based on their assets under management. For example, the Vanguard Real Estate ETF (VNQ) charges an annual management fee just above 0.1% as of December 2021. Some may charge higher fees and others may charge lower fees.


Our custodian is Charles Schwab. As an investor, you will have a standalone Charles Schwab account that QuantStreet manages. If you choose to end your relationship with QuantStreet, then you will be left with full access to your Schwab account.

Yes, absolutely. You can log into your Schwab account at any time to see your portfolio and its performance.

Setting up a Schwab account is quick and easy. When you become a client, we will walk you through the account setup process.

Once you receive confirmation that your Schwab account has been set up, please log into the ‘Schwab Alliance’ client portal and and take the following steps.

Investment Strategy

To learn more about our strategy and how we invest, please visit our Process & Strategy page.

We know that clients put tremendous faith in us to prudently manage their assets as we strive to create wealth. Over the course of two decades of investing, we’ve seen the dangers of excessive leverage, short selling, speculative option trading, and other risky strategies. That’s why we don’t use these strategies. To read more about our approach to managing risk, please visit Managing Investment Risk.

If you choose a tax efficient account, then we will optimally constrain how much turnover your portfolio can have in a typical year. For taxable accounts, less turnover may result in lower taxable gains. For tax-advantaged accounts, such as certain retirement accounts, there is no turnover/tax efficiency issue so this consideration is irrelevant. To “optimally” constrain the portfolio means when our portfolio engine chooses the highest expected return portfolio at a targeted risk level, it will also ensure that the chosen portfolio does not deviate too much from last month’s portfolio. Using last month’s portfolio as a baseline for this month’s portfolio prevents excessive trading

Yes. To learn more about the technical details of our strategy, please visit QuantStreet In-Depth. This page may be most relevant to professional investors and asset managers.

To view some of the research and insights underlying our strategy, please visit Research & Analysis.

QuantStreet offers three investment strategies — a low risk, moderate, and aggressive strategy. We are also glad to work with clients to build custom portfolios based on your unique goals and circumstances. 

Yes, we can create a custom strategy or accept restrictions on investing in particular securities. Please email hello@quantstreetcapital.com or call 212-537-3877 to discuss the details of what you have in mind. We’ll be glad to work with you.

Yes, absolutely. We are glad to share performance details. Please email hello@quantstreetcapital.com, and we will send details about our performance to date.

Most of our accounts do not use leverage or do so very sparingly. Clients can choose to set up a margin account which allows them to borrow against their investments. However, we recommend against using excessive leverage.


We are always glad to connect. Please email hello@quantstreetcapital.com or call 212-537-3877.

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